I don't usually work straight from the tree (called "green turning") but will never refuse when offered a freshly cut walnut tree. This one, growing in a village near where we live, was shedding branches and had to be felled. I feared that it would be rotten inside but it turned out to be solid timber with beautiful figuring, including some rippling. With wood of this character I finish the pieces very simply, the wood speaks for itself and needs no beads etc to bring out its beauty.
I got several deep bowls, good for salads, fruit or just showing off the beauty of the walnut. This bowl has an added feature that it includes, on one side, a patch of the much lighter sapwood.
This bowl is 24cm wide and 15cm deep. Other than the bowls I got from this tree there is no more available, until I find another such tree and the passage of the six months it take to make (most of which is in waiting for it to dry between the two stages of turning).
Bowl in English walnut